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Unlock REALME C3

By unlocking your phone, you can use a SIM Card from any carrier or network provider in your REALME C3. To unlock it, you need to enter an unlock code


Why Unlock REALME C3?

By unlocking your phone, you can use a SIM Card from any carrier or network provider in your REALME C3. To unlock it, you need to enter an unlock code into your phone in order to remove any carrier or network restrictions and enable the use any local or foreign SIM Card. You can independently unlock the REALME C3 by following the steps listed below.

How To Unlock REALME C3?

Unlocking a REALME C3 device via an unlock code is easier than you might imagine. it doesn’t require any expertise or equipment. please follow these steps :

  1. Obtain the special unlock code for your REALME C3 from HERE
  2. Take the original SIM card out.
  3. As if making a call dial *#3988691# Or *#475838912# To open the unlock window.
  4. A box to enter the unlock code should now appear.
  5. Input the unlock code that has been supplied by UNLOCKLOCKS.COM.

Well, that’s all. Enjoy your SIM-free or unlocked REALME C3 with all networks, worldwide.


  • AT&T, T-Mobile, Metro, Tracfone, Cricket, EE, Vodafone, O2, 3 UK, Virgin Mobile, Rogers, Fido, Bell, VideoTron, Telus, SFR, Bouygues, Movistar, TIM, TMN, A1, Telekom, and other carriers are all supported for unlocking.
  • You only need to enter the unlock code once to permanently unlock.
  • All REALME C3 versions and variants are unlockable.
  • Unlocking a REALME C3 phone is legal and completely safe.

Unlock REALME C3 Unlock 430kb

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