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USB Redirector Technician Edition + key

USB Redirector is a program that can be used to provide shared access on a local network to various devices connected to a computer via a USB port. Ис


USB Redirector is a program that can be used to provide shared access on a local network to various devices connected to a computer via a USB port.

Program description

The application is relatively simple and easy to learn. All devices that can be used within a particular network are displayed on the main work area. A set of functions is available by right-clicking or using the controls at the top of the window.

How to Install

We continue our instructions and move on to a specific example showing the correct installation process:

First, download the executable file. Unpack the resulting archive and launch the installation by double-left clicking.

Check the box next to the license acceptance item, and then proceed to the next step using the “Next” button.

We wait until the file is copied to its original location.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's look at the positive and negative features of USB Redirector.


license key included;

relative ease of use;

a set of unique features.


lack of Russian language in the user interface.

USB Redirector V6.12.0.3230 8.58MB

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