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SimpleMind Pro (Repack & Portable)

SimpleMind Pro (Repack & Portable) is one of the most popular tools designed to create Mind Maps. Mind mapping is a fairly common method of structuri


SimpleMind Pro (Repack & Portable)

SimpleMind Pro (Repack & Portable) is one of the most popular tools designed to create Mind Maps.

Mind mapping is a fairly common method of structuring data and is very often used when working on complex projects, in corporate brainstorming sessions, and in the educational field. To put it simply, these are some diagrams with separate topics and connections that can be created using any graphic editors, such as Paint. But it is much more convenient to use specialized solutions for these purposes, which is SimpleMind.

The program includes a convenient theme and link editor, allows you to use ready-made templates for creating maps, offers a large selection of font styles and color themes. The program also has an extensive library with icons that help you visualize topics that belong to the same category or have a similar meaning. The editor is designed in such a way that the user can easily create mind maps in real-time during the same brainstorming process.

You can also create a map in advance and save it to any storage medium in PNG, HTML, and PDF formats. SimpleMind supports tight integration with Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive cloud storage services. This makes it easy to share maps with other users working on the project.

SimpleMind allows you to create projects of any complexity, offers a convenient menu for configuring visual parameters and a built-in inspector for managing objects on the map.

Features of the SimpleMind Pro repack:

  1. Installation of the program or unpacking of the portable (PAF) version combined in one distribution
  2. No registration required (key)
  3. Multilingual interface
  4. Picks up an external settings.reg settings file (if they are located next to the installer)

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