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IObit Uninstaller Pro (Repack & Portable)

IObit Uninstaller Pro (Repack & Portable)


IObit Uninstaller Pro (Repack & Portable)

IObit Uninstaller Pro (Repack & Portable) is an uninstaller program for Windows designed to completely remove more unnecessary (for one reason or another) programs and applications (and not only) installed in the operating system.

The application is in many ways superior to the standard Windows tool, and unlike the latter, it does not leave any "tails" of previously installed programs that have been removed, which has a more than favorable effect on the speed and "health" of the operating system as a whole.

Main features of the program:

  • There are several ways to uninstall programs: regular and batch. The batch method is necessary in cases where you need to uninstall several programs at once.
  • Support for the forced uninstall module, which allows you to remove those programs that cannot be removed in the usual way and clean their "traces" in the file system. Also, this module will be able to delete any file or folder, including the system folder (for example, the Windows folder - but it is better not to do this, since after that the operating system will not boot).
  • Remove plugins and toolbars in internet browsers.
  • Resets all settings for a specific browser.
  • File shredder support for "permanent" deletion of files and folders. This tool is necessary for those who want to permanently delete personal files from their computer (for example, a database with bank accounts) so that no program can recover them.
  • Support for a log containing the history of uninstalled programs (name, time, method used, and list of deleted files).
  • Create and view restore points.

Features of IObit Uninstaller Pro Repack:

  1. Installation of the program or unpacking of the portable (PAF) version combined in one distribution
  2. No registration required (patch)
  3. Removed ads, adware modules and other "garbage" inherent in IObit programs
  4. Optional installation of IObit Uninstaller Service
  5. Optional integration of the program into the context menu of Explorer
  6. Optional integration into the Windows Control Panel
  7. Multilingual interface
  8. Picks up the user settings file Main.ini (if located near the installer)
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